Saturday, January 27, 2007


Spectrum is my favorite'est!

Left to right, titles so far, "Itch", "Sightings", "What Body?".

Wed. I bought a new digital camera to shoot my larger work. I'm not sure if it will do the job yet, but it looks promising. My friend Steve had mentioned he was sending some stuff in to Spectrum due Fri. AACK. I wanted to enter some things for that as well. I thought I'd try submitting some of my "Lowbrow" art (or whatever the latest term for it is). So I spent Sun. thru Thurs. trying to finish this painting in time to take a picture of it to send to Spectrum. I made the UPS office with plenty of time to spare yesterday. The camera took a good enough picture I guess. I just need to find some sort of fine focus or something.

To the fantastic and wonderful judges at Spectrum: My world revolves around all of you! Aside from the fact I don't know any of you except from afar. Mark Chiarello, I said hello to you in the halls of DC comics when I was doing Animal Man for Vertigo. Dawn Murin, I never worked with you at Wizards of the Coast, but I'm sure you deserve to be Grand Poobah of the company! Brandon Ragnar, I don't know anything about you, but would gladly stop by to do some dishes or take out your trash some day! Marc Gabbana, dishes. Dan Dos Santos, you rock of course! I see you all the time at art openings at the Society of Illustrators. And Adam Rex, I don't know anything about except your bio says you have a children's book called "Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich". That's a funny title and I dig it! Since I "randomly" just pulled all these FANTASTIC creative types out of the ether that I admire and didn't just read the judges bio sheet that came with the entry form, I look forward to sharing a drink with you at the Spectrum opening (THAT I'M IN!)... I'm pretty good at back rubs too! HINT HINT!

Caffeinated donuts


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